

Brenna speaks back.

SpiderForest Comic of the Week

This week's comics are a couple with some fantastic characters that I keep up with pretty regularly!

Court of Roses
Court of Roses - A ragtag group of bards travel together to solve a murder mystery! There's some very fun dynamics among the bards and I always love the expressive characters that Nutty draws! Can you spot the Sombulus cameos?

Kings of Sorts
Kings of Sorts - Kings of Sorts follows Hana, an optimistic magitek tinkerer and village outcast who wants nothing more than to share cookies and make friends with everyone. But when his knowledge of forgotten technology puts him at the center of an ambitious royal court's machinations (and in the custody of a grumpy mercenary mage Bon), he gets more than he bargained for! I really appreciate the themes of kindness in this one, and there are so many great characters!

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