

Best forgotten.

SpiderForest Comic of the Week
XII: Rogues and Remnants
XII: Rogues and Remnants - Twelve girls with secret powers tied to beastly spirits met in a boarding school, and their disasterous clash with the headmistress left them scattered and broken. With some turned into lab experiments and others hiding from military forces, they must find a way to reunite, escape, or fight. This follow up to XII: Magic and Muses is just starting up, and I've really been enjoying it!

Tamuran - The tale of a kingdom in the jaws of an ancient grudge. When a forest elf tries to warn the capital of a terrible curse engulfing the wilds, he finds himself out of his depth and caught up in plots beyond his ken. But he and a motley assortment of vagabonds, shapeshifters, and monsters may become a doomed kingdom’s last hope. Tamuran is on Kickstarter right now to fund its second book, which is a great way to get started on this epic series!

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Worst Poker Face - New bonus comic for $3+ Patrons
Page 77 - Early page for $5+ Patrons

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